May the Sun Shine Warm

irish (3)

I have many fond memories of my family often sharing this Irish blessing, especially around St. Patty’s day. It has always filled me with a sense of peace and I hope it does the same for you today! Interestingly, despite the unknown origin of this blessing, it contains some fairly profound insight!
For example, did you know that letting “the sun shine warm upon your face” is actually good for your health? Most people know that a solid dose of sunshine helps give us a boost of vitamin D, but did you know that vitamin D receptors are found on EVERY single cell within the body? Without it (or with a decreased amount), many cell functions are diminished!! Did you also know that low levels of vitamin D can result in BONE, BACK, & MUSCLE PAIN!?
According to a 2011 study, 41.6% of adults in the US are deficient. This number goes up to 69.2% in Hispanics and 82.1% in African-Americans. Most people don’t realize how low their vitamin D levels are until they see the lab work. Sunshine is not always easy to come by, but LUCKILY we’re here to help assess areas of deficiency to ensure you can start feeling like yourself again!
[Nutr Res. 2011 Jan;31(1):48-54]
[Pain Physician. 2015 Sep-Oct;18(5):E853-62]
#chiropractic #bone #back #muscle #pain#stpatricksday #irishblessing#luckoftheirish #vitaminD #integrativehealth#holistic #holistichealing#alternativemedicine #functionalmedicine#nutrition #stlouis #stl #claytonmo#missouri


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